PAS chooses art for murals


PENDLETON — Pendleton Artists Society recently finalized the four pieces of art that will be displayed as 8-by-10-foot murals on the eastern side of its building, Gallery 119. The murals are part of a project to create a north-south pedestrian walk-through running south from State Street to a public parking area.
The winners, decided by a vote open to members and the public, were Denissa Kiehl (PAS logo and plumes of color), Patrick Kluesner (a bird), Aaron McDermott (a quilt) and Samson Hunckler (a child drawing on pavement).
The artwork will be tweaked slightly before it goes up, said Karen Zane, PAS events chairwoman. The changes mainly involve removing the PAS name/logo from three of the pieces, leaving it on just the piece closest to State Street.
In addition to murals, there eventually will be landscaping and possibly sculptures, Zane said.
PAS is working with the Town of Pendleton and others on the project, she said.
Funding for the murals part of the project, estimated to cost $14,000, so far has come from grants through South Madison Community Foundation, Zane said.
“Hopefully we’ll get them (the murals) in by the fall,” Zane said, noting that one more grant application is in the works to raise the needed funds.

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