Taken out to a ball game


By Sue Hughes | For The Times-Post

PENDLETON — A social media post recently led to a fun evening for some residents of Rawlins House and Fall Creek Retirement Village.
Ann Semon posted that it would be nice to have nursing home residents come and cheer on a couple of Pendleton Junior Baseball/Softball teams. Her son plays on one of the teams.
Tina Scanlon, marketing director at Fall Creek Retirement Village, saw the post and took up the cause.
She arranged a time and date with the coaches.
Rawlins House Activity Director Shari Waltman worked on coordinating volunteers from both facilities.
Natalie Hannaford in human resources had blue and teal T-shirts made for the group featuring the colors of the two teams.
A dozen staff members total between the two facilities stepped up to help make it happen.
And on Thursday, June 6, 16 residents of the facilities were bused to the Sports Complex in Falls Park to watch the RE/MAX Legacy-sponsored team play The Growing Place-sponsored group.
“This was a team effort; I couldn’t have done it without a lot of help,” Waltman said.
“We had volunteers from every department help us make this happen, from the director of nursing to the bus driver,” Scanlon said.
With the help of Pendleton Kiwanis Club, the volunteers also provided K-burgers for attendees.
And PJBS teams contributed popcorn and cookies.
Several residents later gave glowing feedback of the outing.
“I thought it was great — wouldn’t mind doing it again,” John Hawk said.
“It went too fast,” Diane Roscoe said. “And it was nice watching the kids. The kids were fantastic.”
“It was enjoyable,” Stanley Stone said.
“I love baseball. I used to go all the time with my daughter,” Kay Flanagan said. “I would love to do it again.”

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