Legion presents first student service scholarship


PENDLETON — Pendleton American Legion Post 117 presented its first Legion Service Scholarship to Emily Pulley, a 2024 graduate of Pendleton Heights High School, during a ceremony conducted Thursday, May 30.

The $500 student scholarship recognizes Pulley’s contributions to the veterans and community of Pendleton, according to post Service Officer Dave Skalon.

Pulley served the Legion as a volunteer to veterans and the community for more than two years, Skalon said.

“Everyone thoroughly enjoys working with Emily and came to know her as a truly valuable asset to our team,” Skalon wrote in a letter about Pulley. “As a volunteer Emily is honest, dependable, and incredibly hardworking. Beyond that, she helped the Legion during a very trying post-Covid timeframe that brought the Post back from the brink of closure. Although one of our youngest volunteers, she is a great example of calm leadership and leading by example.

“She is a true team player, and always fosters positive discussions and brings the best out of other volunteers and employees.”

The goal is for the scholarship to be awarded annually, Skalon said.

Youths interested in volunteering at the legion can call the post at 765-778-7661.

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