Pendleton Heights Top 10%, Take 4


PENDLETON — Pendleton Heights High school recognizes the Top 10% of the year’s graduating class.

There are 33 students in that group for the Class of 2024.

The countdown started May 2 continues this week with Nos. 9 through 1.

It will continue through several editions of The Times-Post.

9. Rhys Weiandt

Rhys Weiandt

Rhys Weiandt is currently ranked ninth with a grade-point average (GPA) of 12.7091. He is the son of Molly Weiandt, Robert Beck-Coon and Russell Weiandt. He has participated in Pendletones, New Edition, Bring Change 2 Mind, and Pendleton Genders and Sexualities Alliance. He plans to attend Indiana University Bloomington to major in psychology. He hopes to be a clinical psychologist.


8. Lyn Wilkins

Lyn Wilkins

Lyn Wilkins is currently ranked eighth with a GPA of 12.7115. She is the daughter of Leslie Wilkins. She has participated in Emerald Suites varsity show choir, New Edition JV show choir, Beta Club, tutor for East Elementary School (first and second grades) and a high school peer tutor. She plans to attend Washington University in St. Louis with a double major in pre-law and journalism. She hopes to become a lawyer or writer.


7. Mallory Gentry

Mallory Gentry

Mallory Gentry is currently ranked seventh with a GPA of 12.7292. She is the daughter of Amy and Mark Gentry. Mallory has participated in NHS, Beta Club, German Club, varsity swimming and History’s Mysteries. She plans to attend Kalamazoo College to study chemistry. Her hope is to work in the field of genetics or be a genetic counselor.



6. Maddie Roots

Maddie Roots

Maddie Roots is currently ranked sixth with a GPA of 12.7963. She is the daughter of Chad and Summer Roots. She has participated in NHS, Beta Club, Pendleton Players, International Thespian Society (as vice president), English Academic Team (captain), Social Studies Academic Team and History’s Mysteries. She plans to attend University of Alabama to study environmental science. She hopes to obtain a career as an environmental lawyer.


5. Mikala Ross

Mikala Ross

Mikala Ross is currently ranked fifth with a GPA of 12.8163. She is the daughter of Joe and Michelle Ross. She has participated in varsity volleyball (four years), FCA, Beta Club, Youth Leadership Academy and NHS. She plans to attend Purdue University to study nutrition, dietetics, fitness and health. She hopes to be a dietitian for a professional sports team in the future.


4. Isabelle Phillips

Isabelle Phillips

Isabelle Phillips is currently ranked fourth with a GPA of 12.9057. She is the daughter of Kendra and Ryan Phillips. She has participated in soccer, Beta Club, NHS and Student Athletic Council. She plans to attend Hanover College and major in biology. She hopes to become a scientific researcher or wildlife biologist.



3. Connor Sallee

Connor Sallee

Connor Sallee is currently ranked third with a GPA of 12.9245. He is the son of Joel and Rachel Ferguson. He has participated in Pendleton Players, NHS, Beta Club, History Academic team, Quiz Bowl and WEEM. He plans on attending Ball State University to study theater to obtain a degree in design and technology with a focus in lighting. He hopes to make it to Broadway and wants to be a part of bringing a new show to the stage or to travel with a production company to bring shows to life around the world.

2. Camille Yancey

Camille Yancey

Camille Yancey is currently ranked second with a GPA of 13.1509. She is the daughter of Shelia and Merrill Yancey. She has participated in wind ensemble, marching band, indoor percussion, NHS (secretary), and Beta Club. She is planning to attend Butler University. She plans to have a health sciences major on a pre-physician assistant career track. Her hope is to become a physician’s assistant (open to most areas but leaning towards dermatology right now).


1. Wes Kupferer

Wes Kupferer

Wes Kupferer is currently ranked first with a GPA of 13.1852. He is the son of Mike and Amy Kupferer. He has participated in football, baseball, NHS, Beta Club and FCA. He plans to attend Purdue University to study pharmacy with a chemistry or biology major. He hopes to become a clinical pharmacist.