10th annual Lucky Duck Race breaks records


PENDLETON — A cool 1,000 small rubber waterfowl competed in the 10th annual Friends of the Pendleton Community Library Lucky Duck Race in Falls Park.

The ducks meanedered down a slow moving Fall Creek to the finish line, cheered on by the crowd of onlookers.

Prizes were awarded for first three ducks to cross, the last one to finish, and the first-place sponsor duck.

But the biggest winner were library patrons, who will have access to enhanced progarmming thanks to the added funding.

“Most ducks, most we’ve raised,” organizer Coco Bill said after the event.

She estimated the proceeds would be about $8,000.

Bill said the Friends had “adopted” 992 ducks — 929 regular yellow ducks at $5 each and 63 orange sponsor ducks for various sums — when, at the last minute, someone stepped up and paid for the remaining eight ducks to max out the available entries.

The eventual winners and their prizes were Amanda Brown — first ($150), Susan Bodenhorn — second ($100), Lori Cummings — third ($75) and Carter Bantz — last out ($75).

The Bank Restaurant (Garry Brammer) won the sponsor duck race. Prizes included a six-month membership at Community Sports and Wellness, name added to a plaque at the library, and the honor of pulling the string to release the ducks into the creek at next year’s event.

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